Fighting To Keep You Here

They say the value of someone’s life can be measured by how many people attend his or her funeral. But while the number of attendees at a funeral can range fairly high, how about measuring the number of people who will stand at a person’s side as he nears his final days?

What I’m saying is, it’s the number of people at your death bed that really speaks volumes about the love you have in this world. A funeral has love, but it’s also a celebration of the life you’ve lived, and many more people can partake in that story, than can the number of people who will help you fight off the final exit.

It’s the number of people who will fight so you don’t go just yet, or at least that when you go it’s as painless as possible, that is a much better measure.

p.s. As a caveat to this, I’d also just like to acknowledge that some people meet their ends all alone, not because of lack of love, but simply because of lack of proximity.

read the next post in this thought series






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